Ohio State K-9 College Columbus, Ohio

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Reviews: Ohio State K-9 College (Columbus)

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Nichole Walters

2 years ago

I highly recommend Ohio State K9 College. My husband and I first met Master Trainer Joey Byas over eight years ago. We decided to add a Cane Corso, Buddy, to our family of eight that included our four toddlers and two rescue dogs. We understood the impressive size and assertive confident nature of the breed would require dedication and proper training on our part to ensure he became a successful integrated part of our family. After spending a lot of time researching trainers and training techniques, I came across the web page of Ohio State K9 College. I was immediately drawn to the training offered: obedience, behavior, housebreaking, guard, attack, ect. In addition, I loved the fact the training did not require choke or spike collars and provided LIFE TIME SUPPORT. I don’t know any other program that does that! This was the most comprehensive program I found that would provide Buddy the training he needed as a puppy and any future training we may want to obtain to refine and add to his foundational skills. After studying and taking the online test I called Joey. The phone interview was lengthy but well worth my time providing me with invaluable information and solidifying the fact this program was the best for my fur baby. I quickly came to realize Joey was training me in addition to Buddy providing me the skills and knowledge that would benefit me throughout my life as a dog owner. I worked not only with Buddy but our other two older dogs (lab and boarder collie) as well. Buddy grew to be an 185lb intimidating looking dog, but to us he was the most obedient and loyal member of our family. MY and Buddy’s training with Joey provided a foundation that allowed us to enjoy Buddy to the fullest never worrying about his size or lack of being able to control our dog. He was wonderful with our kids, fit right in with our dogs, and could be outside with us off leash despite the fact we did not have a fenced in yard! YES, no fence just voice command and respect. After Buddy passed, we became involved with a local pit bull rescue. We have fostered many dogs. Some have had issues with being fearful, potty training, and even aggression but our training with Joey has prepared us for all of it. I relied on my training with Joey to help other dogs find peace and be successful in their forever homes. Joey Byas’ passion and dedication to turning out well-rounded, well-trained dogs and OWNERS was evident in Buddy. Buddy outweighed me by 50lbs+ but he respected me and listened to every command I gave. I did have questions as Buddy grew and Joey was always there to answer and help me work through any new behaviors. We have continued to foster pit bulls bringing them into our pack of FIVE fur babies and four kids. My training at Ohio State K9 college taught me foundational skills that allows me to bring rescue dogs into my home to train and provide a new start for them built on solid training teaching respect, obedience, and most importantly trust of their owner. Thank you Master Trainer Joey Byas for all you have done for me, my family, our dogs, and the pit bulls we rescue!

Jennifer Kessler

2 years ago

My husband David, trained a German Shepherd when he was in 7th grade; however, I have had very limited dog training experience. We bought a couple of German Shepherds, Black Beauty and Black Beau, and I did an online search for dog trainers. We chose to work with a local trainer in obedience and dog behavior. David wanted to train Black Beau in personal protection. Since our local trainer didn't offer this service, David searched online for protection work trainers and found Ohio State K-9 College. After reading this website, David invited me to look it over. I was surprised with what I read because I am the researcher in the family and wondered why I hadn't found this school earlier. David was thoroughly assessed by Joey Byas, Master trainer of over 40 years, during the initial dog evaluation. Since I had also been working with Black Beau, Joey assessed me to determine who would be a better handler for him. In the end, Joey thought that Black Beau would work best with David. He stated that dogs need to have first time obedience to all command even with distractions before starting protection training. He was confident that this could be achieved. He took time to answer all my questions and David decided to enroll Black Beau in his Total Control course. I have appreciated this training method from the initial evaluation and subsequent training classes. Joey has you handle your own dog in a methodical way. His instructions are all one-on-one, having you work with your dog the entire time as he give you step-by-step directions on how to handle your dog. What I find amazing is that my husband can also give me this step-by-step directions at home with the details of what each command specifically entails. Because consistency among handlers in a household is extremely important, Joey assesses how well David is training me, giving him suggestions for improvement and continues to keep him accountable. Joey also takes time to email what was taught during each class as a written reminder of how to do each technique. Each class period is tailored to the need of both the owner and dog. He mentions that he is teaching you how to be a good dog handler and your dog how to be obedient thus increasing the bond between the owner and dog. We've had to also do some Skype instruction due to the pandemic, and I was surprised that we can have such consistent results just like when we were physically in class. That is amazing. My confidence in handling our German Shepherds increases daily as I apply each lesson to both of our dogs. I am happy seeing our dogs having energy and joy in their eyes when it's time to do their obedience training. They think it is fun. I notice much more respect by our dogs to me. If you want to work with an excellent Master Trainer, I highly recommend Joey Byas,

Brianna Nunez

2 years ago

My boyfriend and I had gotten a Newfoundland, named Appa, for our second dog as a puppy at the beginning of the pandemic. Since he wasn't socialized during all the quarantining madness, he would get unruly when on walks or around other dogs/people. At about 7 months of age, we realized we needed professional help. Since he was a large breed, we really wanted to make sure he had the necessary discipline and structure instilled in his life so we wouldn't get into bad situations with other dogs or people. I researched any and every dog trainer in Ohio, and the prices were so crazy I felt out of hope, especially with the programs I was seeing requiring you to drop off your dog then pick them up once they were "done". I eventually came across Joeys program, Ohio State K9 College. You can tell just from the website, that he is really passionate with what he does. Joey really knows his stuff, and it shows with each lesson. Any time I lost confidence in myself during training at home, the next time I spoke with him I regained that confidence because I had someone like HIM helping US. There is nothing he is unsure of when it comes to dog training. Each class, he is always quick and alert to correct both my dog AND me during lessons to ensure we're both on the right path. Anytime I wasn't achieving a result I expected, Joey was able to pinpoint what needed to be adjusted in order to see success from both me and my dog. My favorite thing about this program is that he trains the OWNER AND THE DOG. It helped me really understand how to be an excellent dog owner when it comes to giving my pet constant structure so we both can coexist understanding each other in a healthy way. After each lesson, he does the same exact thing for several other classes throughout the day for different types of dogs and owners. That's insane and impressive, especially since it's just one man and not a corporation of people. After our courses with our classes, Appa has gone SUCH a long way it's insane. It really made me open my eyes that my dog was never a "bad" dog, he needed me to help him get into a routine to set positive boundaries and rules. I could not have done any of that without Joey, truly. Not only that, but he gives you the knowledge you need with what types of collars and leashes to utilize that would be excellent for training purposes, the RIGHT way. This man is a fountain of dog wisdom and I am fortunate to have been able to learn under him. There is no dog that I believe Joey could not train, honestly.

Jessica VonIns

2 years ago

It works. No choke collar, no spike collar, no shock collar. Trust the process, trust Joey, trust yourself and trust your dog, that by the end, you will have your dream dog. And, have patience. Lots and lots of patience. I never thought I could trust my dog off-leash. I never thought my dog would sit or lay down on one command over 100 yards away and wait until I walked, slowly, over to pet her. I never thought we would have an enjoyable walk on a leash. I never thought my dog was capable of being the dog she is today. We shed a lot of sweat, a little blood (I busted my own knuckle practicing “turbo” speed) and a few tears (by “we” I mean “I”) along the way. With patience, consistency and trusting Joey’s process, I have my dream dog that I didn’t think was possible 4 months ago. I had just rehomed a 1.5 year old female Bernedoodle and I was her THIRD owner. She was abused and neglected the first 8 months of her life, a new family adopted her for 8 more months that had 4 kids under the age of 4 with no rules other than PLAY HARD and now I have her! She was STUBBORN, to say the very least! She would jump on everyone, bark at ANYTHING that moved, pull on the leash, run away as soon as you let her off leash, lunge at cars out the window…you name it, she did it. When Joey and I did the first assessment she earned 0 points, she knew NO commands… 12-13 classes later, she does everything I ask her to do on the first command wherever she is at, whatever she is doing. All I have to say is, have patience and it will get better (all parts of it). The outcome is worth all the effort, time and money put into it. Joey’s experience is undeniable and he could fix mistakes that I had let Moxi (that’s my dog) do for weeks within 5-6 corrections in class and she was back to being perfect. He could undo or redo any bad habits she had within a few small tweaks and repetitions in class. I could not be happier with the dog Moxi has became since training with Joey. It was mentally exhausting for me, there were times I wanted to throw in the towel and stop, but I am so happy and thankful I stuck with it. It takes time, effort, repetition, teamwork, love and consistency, but I 100% guarantee you will have the dog of your dreams by the time you graduate if you listen to Joey and try your best to do it how he asks. There is a method to his madness, I promise! It might seem like “well, I don’t care about…” but trust me, YOU CARE!! The respect my dog has for me and my commands now is unparalleled to anything I have seen before.

Samantha Monachino

2 years ago

Please take the words I say here with a full mind as I am a highly educated woman with an ability to grasp a true understanding of what the goals of these training schools are aiming you to see, comparing to OSK9 College. I am leaving this review prior to even receiving Master Dog Training from Joe. He walked through every detail with me so I could truly understand the methods and training truly needed to have total control over my dog, and comparing it to what I would be receiving through other "schools." I put schools in quotations because through these other websites and such, you are not aware of who is actually going to be training your dog, your best friend, or what method they will be using. Guaranteeing that it is not going to be someone with the reputation and experience as what you would receive at Ohio State K-9 College. The most valuable lesson he taught me is that "a picture says a thousand words." Please, when you are shopping take a look at the pictures posted and notice the spike, choke, and shock collars that they are (I do not say this lightly) abusing your dogs with. Anyone that loves their dog like I do, OWES it to their dog, to take the time to do the shopping because ALL of Joes' students do. Do not let the fancy words and promised "methods" on these other websites fool you. Coming from a graduate with a marketing degree, these websites use all of what we are taught to blind you into seeing what they truly have to offer. Joe really emphasized this with me and help me understand this fully without the caring dedication of Joe. I look forward to giving my GSD puppy the best care and training with him.

Angie Byas

2 years ago

Joey has a passion for working with dogs, and it really shines through in his work! He did an excellent job training our German Shepherd puppy, Maddy. She was the first large dog I ever owned and Joey taught me so much about how to handle her and make her follow commands. As it turns out, I needed as much training as Maddy did! With Joey's training techniques, we have developed an impressive bond with our new dog. He is also the only person I would allow to board Maddy when we travel, because he reinforces all of the training we have done with him. This way she doesn't get 'spoiled' by the wrong handler while we are away. I would recommend him to anyone seeking an experienced, qualified dog trainer, especially for large breeds. Thank you OSK9!

Gidget Byas

2 years ago

I know what you are thinking, I have the same last name. It's true, we are related. Believe me when I say I would not take my dog to someone I did not trust even if they were family. We have a 4 month old Border Collie mix, anyone with a BC knows they are FULL of energy and they love to be challenged and they will challenge their owners. They can develop very bad behaviors if not properly trained, as can any breed. I have known Master Trainer Joey for 30 years and I have seen first hand his work so when we got our puppy I knew exactly who to call. Our BC after the second class tried to challenge me on her "down" command. I was ready to give up. MT Joe recognized very quickly that it was me not the dog, I needed work and I was confusing the dog. This is a very unique approach to training and this is what sets Ohio State K-9 apart from the others. Joe teaches the "trainer" (me) so that the trainer can be successful in the class and outside of the class. Many places simply just go through the motions in class and if the dog does not listen they either recommend harmful/negative training (choke, spikes) or simply give up saying it's the breed. I have seen it time and time again MT Joe can train all breeds all behaviors if the "trainer" (you) are willing to put in the time and trust in the process. Our BC is midway through her training, I am amazed after each class how she is responding. I too am gaining confidence in myself as a trainer. This has led to an amazing bond between myself and my BC. If you still have doubts, read on...the reviews and testimonies speak for themselves. Ohio State K-9/MT Joey Byas is the only training school you will ever need!

Donna Keel

3 years ago

I recommend all people who own dogs (if you want the best training) for you and your dog, then go tothe Ohio State K-9 College. Joey Byas is an expert at teaching people how to work with their dogs, and offers very reasonable rates. b He loves what he doeS, and is a solution the best at doig so. He loves dogs of all types, (and excellent patient with them) and teaches the most humane training. If you want a dog trainer that will take care of you and your dog, he's your man. The Ohio State K-9 College is where you and your dog will be treated with respect, and much kindness, and will learn Supreme skills. You will graduate feeling like a professionals yourself. I'm so thankful for Joey Byas and his College he is absolutely #1 in his industry. Read his reviews and you will agree...

Tessa Riley

3 years ago

Joey Byas at The Ohio State K-9 College is the most personable trainer I have ever had the pleasure to know. Unlike other "trainers" he never hung up on me even during our couple hour long phone calls. He was up front and honest about his master trainer experience and the entire industry. Like I said, Joey has spent more time on the phone with me providing me with the education I needed about what it takes to train a dog and their owner the proper way. I cannot wait to work with him and I am so honored to call him my Master Trainer! He has given me the knowledge about these other training schools (on the phone and on his website as well), including helping me to understand the research I needed to guide me on what to ask these other schools. When I called these other schools, I was hung up on by one by simply asking if they offered 100% voice control training (which Joey does!!!). In fact, they told me I was wrong and that their shock and spike collar training were the only way to train any dog at their schools especially, my aggressive, alpha Shiba Inu. Master Trainer Joey Byas was right about EVERYTHING HE TOLD ME and what was on his website about all these schools. Basically, I found out they were only concerned about the $$$$, but NOT about the dogs owner or their dog. Joey truly knows that our dog is part of the family and wants to do EVERYTHING he can to change the training industry by giving his students the whole truth! Joey really cares about the dog and their owner by getting to know the owner well before they can become his student. I couldn't' imagine even trying to train my dog without his 42+ years of experience, AND I'm so elated that Joey took the time to share his knowledge I needed, to enable me to become the best owner I can be for my doggie!!

Thomas Gordon

3 years ago

I spoke with Mr. Byas earlier this evening. Very nice gentleman. He gave me a lot of information about my puppy that I didn't know, and I did a ton of research on dog breeds before I purchased her. He explained the different types of ways to train a dog. All of them, except voice command, inflict pain. I do not want to hurt my puppy. In fact, with this breed (Belgian Malinois), he told me that if a trainer is hurting a dog, the dog might attack the trainer. The last thing I want is for a 60+ pound Malinois to latch onto me. Once they are on you, you have a serious problem. Life threatening problem. All of my hours of research on which puppy to buy did not prepare me for everything he told me about this breed. I'm extremely grateful he explained what I had gotten myself into by buying a puppy of this breed. My puppy is displaying behavior I don't want and, while she knows some commands, she is only performing them based upon the reward system. That won't work unless you have a treat handy when issuing the command. He took an hour and a half explaining everything about the industry, his love of dog training, the breed I have, and what the puppy needs to know, in order for me to keep her under control. I knew I needed help when I was getting fast food the other day. The puppy-who is not quite 12-weeks-old, was in the passenger seat. When the young lady working the carry-out line opened her window, the dog was halfway into my lap. She started barking, and took an aggressive stance. The girl gave me a treat for my puppy, who refused to take it from me (her owner!) because she was in full ready mode. She only ate it after I pulled away, and the "threat" was gone. I'm confident Joey can help me get her under control.

Kila Steck

3 years ago

I called Joey about 10 or so years ago when I purchased our 1st doberman puppy. I realized I would need training for her and myself when I could not walk her without her dragging me the whole time. Joey taught me and I taught my puppy. She was perfectly mannered almost immediately after our 1st session and by the end anyone who came in contact with her could not believe how well she was trained. Whisper and hand signals from YARDS away. We lost our puppy 2 years ago to cancer and we never thought we would ever get another one bc we loved her so much. Fast forward to Jan 2021 and we gave in and got another female Dob. We started training with Joey when Storm was 7 weeks old and here she is almost 4 months old and she is the smartest puppy on the block. Joey retrained me and he has also this time trained my husband and our children to work Storm as well. She does many commands and most importantly will sit and stay with a whisper or hand signal. We are currently trying to perfect come and heel and its a learning process for us all. BUT I can say I could not have done it not once but twice without Ohio State K9 and Joey. With a breed like a doberman I have to be in control and he is the only one who teaches TOTAL CONTROL and all without shock collars or chokers or anything but a 6 ft leash and my own voice. I would never take my puppies to anyone else.

Licia Paxton

3 years ago

Joey is an excellent trainer and I wouldn’t take my dog anywhere else. I was looking for humane training for our new puppy. We used other trainers and training methods for previous dogs, but a few things about it always bothered me: (1) When you drop off a puppy for two weeks with a trainer, the pup learns to obey the trainer, not the owner, and the puppy is trained, not the owner – and they typically use choke, spike or shock collars. (2) Group obedience training – with a required choke – proved to be chaos. Training a puppy first without distractions and then introducing distractions once they learn what they are/are not supposed to do makes more sense. (4) Electric fence / shock collar – our previous dog decided running through the fence and taking the shock was worth it in order to go visit the pretty little red-headed girl doggie next door, so we were always chasing him and he ended up having permanent hair loss at the point on his neck where the electric leads zapped him. (5) Training on leash works great… on leash. If a dog fears you, they certainly won't trust you and obey off leash. So…I did better research for our new pup and found ONE trainer (Joey Byas at Ohio State K9) who claimed to use NO choke, NO spike and NO shock. I read the online reviews and testimonials and quite frankly, it seemed too good to be true at first. Joey’s website is not fancy by any means – but I needed a trainer, not a website designer. The testimonials and information on Joey’s website described exactly the method of training I was looking for: A Master Trainer with over 42 years of experience who teaches the HUMAN how to train their dog using voice, whisper and hand commands – on and off leash. I recommend you read ALL of Joey's website before contacting him to discuss taking YOU on as a client (not your dog). One huge takeaways is that Joey trains YOU one-on-one how to train your dog, without choke, spike, or shock. When you train your own dog with the help of a Master Trainer, your dog learns to listen to YOU, not just the trainer. When you train your own dog, it also strengthens the trust/respect bond between owner and dog. If your dog does not trust you, they certainly won’t listen to or obey you. They might obey out of fear, but try getting a fearful dog to listen to you off collar – they will run from or possibly bite what they fear. Trust is key to having a happy, well-behaved, healthy dog. Joey is very busy all day with clients so I appreciate him taking time to discuss his methods. The initial conversation was just as much Joey interviewing me as a potential client as it was me interviewing Joey as a potential trainer. If you qualify as a potential client, Joey will do an in-person evaluation of you and your dog and only then will you know whether or not Joey will take you on as a client and how much training will cost. So, read everything and be willing to learn how to train your own dog by listening and then putting into practice what Joey teaches you, including homework. I cannot recommend highly enough the “Total Control Course”, which gives you as the title infers, total control of your dog... without choke, spike or shock. Joey is teaching me to use voice commands, hand commands and whisper commands for correcting too many undesirable behaviors and performing commands to list - over 100 - through this Total Control Course! If you are a really good student, Joey will also teach you (for free) additional things above and beyond what the course lists. For example, Joey is explaining to me how I can turn around and train my husband how to handle and train our dog as well. Joey also spends a good deal of time writing up a synopsis of each training class with “homework” for the week, and sends the document by email so you can begin right away. I can’t stress how much that is appreciated… because I might otherwise forget one of the tweaks between sessions. We just finished our 10th class, and our dog is always very happy to see Joey. That's a great feeling.


3 years ago

Let me start by saying this... We have trained 2 dogs with Joey and just starting on Dog #3. With that, let me say that Joey is the best Dog trainer in the USA. With Joey being in Ohio and us in SoCal, we train via skype with Great success. If you have a question about any behaviors or training questions just call, he's there. Our first dog, a Weimeraner, was trained on-site at Joey's school (see testimonial on website or below) With us moving to CA, our 2nd dog, a Coonhound/Weimeraner mix, was trained via skype. Both ways worked equally. As long as you follow Joey's teachings 100%, your dog will be amazing. When you tell your dog to sit in a Petsmart 10ft from where they're training other dogs that are bouncing off the walls, walk down the aisle (25ft away from your dog) and your dog just watches the other dogs out of control. That's Joey. I shopped for 2-3 minutes while my dog just patiently sat waiting. One of the ladies (with the out of control dog) said she was only on her 7th lesson how many lessons did it take to get your dog to do that??? I slowly was petting my dog (who was still sitting and looking up at me) and said, 5 lessons.... from my trainer Joey at Ohio state K-9 College. I said call him. I gave her some info and we walked away. This happens every time we go out in public. People just are amazed. Remember 5 LESSONS!, as you have read from others here. My wife and I insist Joey used to be a dog in another life. I'm sure of it! Now, training our 10 week old Shepard/Pit mix. In 3 days of having him, he will now potty on command (when taking him out), not to enter the house without a command, will not eat without me telling him to "EAT". On all occasions, the dog will be in a sit and look up at you waiting for the command. So, in closing, if you want an obedient dog and a dog trained the right way, GO WITH JOEY!! I can go on for another 10,000 words but just know Joey will train you and your dog. Follow the training and be the Alpha in your dog's life for life. Happy training to all!! Thanks Joey!

Katie Button

3 years ago

Joey was extremely responsive. I read over the website, completed the assessment, and phoned the college as instructed by the website. Joey returned my phone call very promptly. He was extremely thorough, taking about TWO HOURS out of his day to explain everything I needed to know!

Witchdoctor Zero

3 years ago

I had tried a couple different training methods that weren't very effective. I remembered that I had a cousin that was a dog trainer and I checked out his school and his methods were immediately effective and very humane. Joey trains the owner as well, and if you live far away, as I do, he can do the lessons with you via Skype.

Joe Speights

3 years ago

I met the owner almost 30 years ago and the dogs I have had and still partner with have excelled with Joey's help

twyla mullen

3 years ago

I love Ohio state k-9 College I have a Golden doodle he is a awesome dog He now knows 23 different commands He was totally potty trained by 6 months old Joey bias is the best dog trainer I know He helped me years ago With a cocker spaniel puppy that I had I have now trained several dogs through the years. by the teaching of Joey bias Ohio state canine college I would never go anywhere else I will have this knowledge for years to come. That Joey bias has taught me thank you Joey you have done an awesome job he is the best trainer ever thanks Joey your the best twyla mullen..

Tejesh Patel

3 years ago

Terrible customer service! Kept insulting my intelligence. I’m advise against using this company

T Zickau

3 years ago

After first working with him in the mid-2000's, I'm back with Master trainer Joey Byas to have him train our new Bernese Mountain dog puppy. …

Nancy Borowy

3 years ago

I recently adopted a male 3 year old Shepherd mix from Humane Society of Delaware County. for companionship and protection. After a few weeks, I realized that Kane was aggressive and afraid of strangers and I needed professional help to train him. I started looking for a trainer on Google and found a trainer called "The K-9 Guy." I read one of his reviews that said he graduated from the National Canine School for Dog Trainers in Reynoldsburg, OH which lead me to believe he an expert trainer. His website said he would evaluate me and my dog and then would begin to customize the obedience training. He verbally promised me, he would "obedience train Kane on and off leash" which was never accomplished. He never handled my dog or do any type of evaluation on me or of my dog as his website said he would do. "The K-9 Guy" method was to have the dog owner use a spike collar on the dog's neck to train them. This method of training made Kane more afraid of strangers both on and off leash. Afterwards I talked to many people, a trusted friend referred me to the Ohio State K-9 College. Joey has been very good to work with, he is very thorough and patient with me, which I appreciate and the results are amazing. Kane has been going to Ohio State K-9 College for 6 classes and Kane's behavior has drastically improved. I purchased the total control course and using it Kane continues to progress ever week. I am confident that Joey is the best trainer for me and my dog. I am so glad I found him and the humane method of training he uses. While at one of my classes, I met another one of Joey's students who has a VERY aggressive dog, Rocco. The owner told me that he had bitten him on several occasions. Over time, Joey has been able to work with Rocco and the dog is under complete control by use of Joey's total control course. Rocco's owner can take his dog to Home Depot/Lowe's etc. wearing a muzzle for safety without any behavior issues. It's impressive. Joey and Ohio State K-9 College have been wonderful to work with. During each of my classes I have not used any of the following: choke collars, spike collars, shock collars or treats. Because of my experience and the results I can't recommend any other trainer. Nancy B.

Matthew Dailey

3 years ago

World class !!! This man taught me more about my Rottweiler in 1 hr on the phone than all other breeders trainers combined . First class all the way !

Maggie Feldman

3 years ago

Our 8 week old German Shepard/Husky mix is a hard working dog that is full of energy and excitement. Many critics online said that this dog would need training that involved shock or choker collars but not with the Master Trainer Joe HAND and VOCAL command style. At the start of September we took our puppy to Joe for her first training class, but what made our experience so special was we did the whole training over Skype! I've never seen anything like this and i fully expected this to not work since the dog feels like I'm the fun and not the serious trainer. After maybe 5-10 mins into the session I could have the dog perfectly sitting and staying consistently on command with just vocal Commands. Every new training excessive Joe gave us multiple ways to train the dog a trick/command (cage training, housebreaking, stairs, potty). What we loved most about this training is Joe's professionalism and high energy that made training FUN. Now many think that training can't be fun for you or the dog but Joe makes it FUN. We would highly recommend Joe and the Ohio State K9 College to anyone looking to train their dog, along with themselves. If you buy into Joe and his training program, you WILL get the results you are looking for.

Madelynn Fisher

3 years ago

Very intelligent man, willing to put in the time and effort needed into training your best friend, as he has with mine. The Master Trainer himself, with 42 years of experience, has helped teach me and my 13 week old German Shepard pup the …

Landon DelPrince

3 years ago

My Australian Shepherd, Sedona, and I have been attending the Ohio State K-9 College for two months now, and it has completely changed our lives. A few months ago, a close friend of mine gave me a demonstration of the Total Control Obedience Training Course he purchased, and I was absolutely blown away by his female Dutch Shepherd, Luna. She was far and away the best trained dog I had ever seen, especially OFF LEASH. She obeyed every command - first time, every time. I decided to check out the school’s website later that night! The Ohio State K-9 College has an unbelievable website. It’s thorough, transparent and explains the difference in quality between their school and its competitors. After carefully reading the entire website and studying their State of the Art System of training (Method, Style and Experience), I was sold - there’s simply no substitute for 42+ years of experience. I called Master Trainer Joey Byas and set up an appointment for the required 3 hours evaluation. Before attending the Ohio State K-9 College, I had invested a lot of time and money using the treat training method. Although Sedona could do some tricks, she couldn’t perform any of the five basic commands (down, sit, come, heel and stay) without bribing her with a treat. Being a first-time dog owner, I was tempted to sign up for puppy classes at the local pet store; six one-hour classes for only $120.00. All I would need is a pocket full of treats and in six hours of “professional training,” I would have the perfect dog…WRONG! Believe me, if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. There are no shortcuts when it comes to training a dog. We love our pets and wants what’s best for them, which is exactly what Master Trainer Joey provides. He’s a man who’s truly invested in you and your dog’s success. After one week of training with Master Trainer Joey, I began seeing tremendous improvement with Sedona. More importantly, my confidence as a dog handler was quickly growing (prior to working with Joey, I was beginning to feel this sense of anxiety that I would never be able to maximize Sedona’s potential). After 8 weeks of training with Joey, my confidence as dog handler is through the roof. Family members, friends and even strangers on the street are constantly giving me compliments on Sedona’s discipline and behavior. Joey’s curriculum simply cannot be found anywhere else. Through his 42+ years of experience in a 1-on-1 environment, I have learned what it takes to properly train a dog. Not by using treats and certainly not by using choke, spike or shock collars. Joey and I rely 100% on VOICE CONTROL, essentially an unbreakable line of communication between Sedona and me. Proper communication lies at the heart of Joey’s training. Tone, consistency and timing are your keys to success. How you give a command is just as important, if not more important, than the command itself. These principles are the foundation of Joey’s curriculum and separates him from his competition. Through his State of the Art System, you create an indestructible bond with your dog built on mutual trust and respect - a state-of-the-art system built by a man who cares more about the success of his students than anything else! If you want what’s best for YOU and YOUR DOG, look no further. Joey is the EXPERT you most certainly need. I can say with absolute confidence he can train any dog and correct any behavior issue. If you’re serious about signing your dog up for classes, please read the testimonials on his website and the many 5-star reviews on Google. Those who gave less clearly didn’t take the time to get to know my Master Trainer or study his state-of-the-art system. Joey is a friend and mentor for life, and I will forever be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from him. Becoming a dog owner was a dream come true but being able to offer my Sedona expert-level training has made the experience that much better. The Ohio State K-9 College has changed Sedona and I’s lives forever.


3 years ago

I have never had a trainer with such passion and enthusiasm for teaching both the dog And the human. Joey's instruction is crystal clear and precise. Joeys Customer Service for his clients is OUTSTANDING! He spends Extra time in …

Geri Mazz

3 years ago

This is the second course I purchased with Joey-one when I lived in Ohio 14 years ago(my Eskie proudly wears the Best Dog Ever collar) which I trained in person with Joey with the total control course and my Eskie still remembers all …

DeAnna Hall

3 years ago

I took the time to read the website, took the test had my notes ready and spoke with him on the phone. I promise, it seemed like the guy was on speed or something. I wanted to get more information on the obedience, behavior and housebreaking programs (cost and how to get started). He spoke so fast, and kept focusing on the housebreaking. I kept telling him I read the website and I have everything in my notes, but he was all about gassing himself up. We never spoke about my dog’s issues or got to cost or how to enroll. It was all about how other training programs don’t have the words “housebreaking” on their site. It was so bizarre. He then abruptly said he was gonna call me in 30 minutes and hung up on me. I immediately blocked him. My spidey senses were definitely tingling. *And he’s probably gonna say I didn’t read the site, but I assure you I did. He barely let me get a word in edgewise to discuss anything. According to him, this means I didn’t pass the first part of admissions process. I am more than okay with that.

Destinie Adams

3 years ago

My problem child is one hundred and twenty pounds of extreme stubborn. We expected some difficulty with training given his breed mix ( Newfoundland, Great Pyrenees, St. Bernard) But he surpassed our expectations. We struggled for three years with ignoring commands, aggression towards strangers, he also ate the siding off of my house when he got in trouble for getting into the garbage. We needed help. In steps Joey, who thirteen years earlier, helped us train our Bouvier des Flanders. She was awful, wouldn’t totally house train, ignored commands, and then bit someone. Joey totally turned her around and she became a wonderful dog to live with. So, now I have an even bigger problem. But, in just a couple of months of training over Skype, my big guy has turned around also. He has done so well in this program and thanks to Joeys guidance. He knows his commands AND listens. I can walk him again, without worrying about all the other people we encounter. We have had no further incidents of eating the house. These things are huge. I’m so thankful. I would highly recommend Joey and this program to anyone who is serious about training.

Dawn Auld

3 years ago

I have never had a trainer with such passion and enthusiasm for teaching both the dog and the human. Joey's instruction is crystal clear and precise. Joeys Customer service for his clients is outstanding! He spends extra time in lessons and hours of time writing out my homework notes. I have never heard of any other training facility doing this. It makes all the difference in the world to have these notes to refer to during the week for home practice. When learning new things, it's hard to remember everything. I'd literally be lost without them. Joey is also the best teacher I have ever, in my life, had. He's a Master. It's his passion and he truly cares and wants my Doberman and I to succeed. When he teaches my dog and I something new and he sees we are struggling, it is not unusual for Joey to reach out at some point during the week to ask how we are doing. This guy actually cares. He is genuine and I am so grateful I found the Ohio State K-9 College and that master trainer, Joey Byas, accepted my dog and I as students. I am Confidant that under Joeys expert training, my Doberman and I are no doubt, going to win our obedience trial in record time. We will have fun along the way. Thank you so much, Joey, and also for that fabulous lesson you threw in today for my daughter! You're the best!

Harrison Watson

3 years ago

We’ve tried a lot of places in the past. Joey is hands down the best. We’ve never had a dog leave more obedient and loving. When we drop Clementine off here, she starts immediately getting excited and can’t wait to go inside with Joey. Without a doubt, the best trainer and caretaker we’ve ever worked with. Not even close.

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Ohio State K-9 College, Ohio, Columbus

2507 Ashbury Rd

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