Leader of the Pack Home Dog Training Corona, California

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Reviews: Leader of the Pack Home Dog Training (Corona)

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Denyse Moose

2 years ago

(Whoever contacted me regarding Wendy please do so again. I tried to respond) I do not recommend Leader of The Pack and let me tell you why. I have a Yorkie who was 6 mo old in February 2020 when I purchased the Gold package which includes the “Good Citizen Certification”. I had to pay the $1095 up front before our first meeting. That should have been my red flag. Our initial meeting was reviewing the packet, signing paperwork and some training. My daughter’s dogs were present which was inconvenient because Wendy was focusing on all of them rather then only my Yorkie. I wasn’t very impressed since I was expecting an initial 3 hour session. I followed what she called “homework” and learned very quickly my little puppy girl was stressed walking outside. I learned she was afraid of just about every noise she heard. I called Wendy and she assured me my Yorkie would get better with confidence. We met another time, it was raining so we trained inside. My little Yorkie did very well inside but when I tried outside she was extremely stressed again. I knew she was not going to pass a “Good Citizen” test and that was okay. I was hoping she would be a good therapy dog. She doesn’t have the temperament. Pandemic hit cancelling our next meeting. In May I contacted Wendy via email and asked for a partial refund. The foundation training was $595 which is basically what I had received. I was told there would be no refund. I have not been contacted by Wendy regarding the training sessions already paid for since then. I’m owed 4 more one hour sessions. There has been no behavior modification as the program claims. My Yorkie is now 10 months old and still stressed every time we walk. So much so that she cannot focus on her training and pulls all the way home choking herself in the process. My current goal now is to get her to walk with as little stress as possible. I am more than extremely disappointed with this program. Had I met with Wendy first I would not have paid for this program. I know every puppy is different and there are never guarantees. I’ve owned Beagles and Yorkies and I have used private trainers in AZ. I know the basics, I searched out Leader of The Pack for behavior issues which they failed. I have to assume responsibility for blindly paying for a service prior to evaluating the trainer. Shame on Leader of The Pack for requiring payment before meeting the client.

Saisha Plant

2 years ago

My dog was extremely fearful. It was so bad to the point she didn’t want people in the house and made my guest feel so uncomfortable they would leave, she wouldn’t want to get out of the car when we took her places, she would bark at everything and act very aggressive. With Wendy’s help she is so much happier. She’s very confident when we go out now, loves when people come over and I don’t feel nervous anymore when taking her out or having people at my house. She listens so much better now and it has made our house much more peaceful. And the food she recommended really helped my 10 year old dog with her tummy issues. I’m really happy with my results and would recommend Wendy to anyone that needs help training there dog. My friends and family have all said she’s like a completely different dog!

D Shum

2 years ago

Awful. First visit we couldn’t practice walking outside because it was ‘too hot’. We practiced walking our golden retriever puppy inside our small living room which was frustrating due to the ‘dog must be right at your heel!’ ‘Your in the wrong position!’ Was extremely rude and unprofessional. She lost her cool and started yanking my dog around and I had to walk out of the room and count to 10. I get you have to be stern with people and the dogs but she crossed the line. Just about threw her out of my house because you just don’t talk to people like that in their own house. Told her let’s try and work it out so we were to meet another time. The next meeting she had to cancel which is understandable but we decided to cut ties. My fault to not to cut ties right then but dog trainers are hard to find right now and we were kind of committed. Last time we talked told her it’s ok it’s not working out. She didn’t even offer ANY refund. Told she just made easy money! Not seeing her again was the best $600 I spent!

amanda maccharles

3 years ago

Prior to meeting Wendy I didn’t think it would be possible to take my dog Merida in public, she was very misbehaved even in the house and broke a window however after the first session there was already a huge behavioral difference with her. Thanks to Wendy, Merida received her Canine Good Citizen award, and is very well behaved in public and I feel confident taking her everywhere with me that allows dogs. I highly recommend Lead Of The Pack, it has made a world of difference.

Viola Rowe

3 years ago

Just after one session with Wendy, our two little mutts are like different dogs! Walks are less stressful, they bark less - even our regular house guests were impressed by the new way our dogs greeted them at the door. Most importantly, they seem SO much happier! They are calmer, more playful, and all around far more pleasant dogs. We're only 3 trainings in and I can't wait for more. Thank you, Wendy!

Justin Holmes

3 years ago

Wendy has been monumental for Louis in our training. He’s a pitbull rescue and from the first session our dog has turned into a completely different dog. He’s more relaxed, happy, and enthusiastic about his training. We couldn’t be more thankful for Wendy and her services in ensuring we get the best out of our dog and vice versa. Thank you Wendy for everything you do!

Jennifer Smith

3 years ago

Wendy helped our rescue puppy transform from a scared puppy who shook and growled at everyone she met to a friendly fun loving dog. Highly recommend her services.


3 years ago

Wendy is amazing. She helped our fearfully aggressive dog. He can walk at heal. He can be around dogs now. Allows people to come in the house. We are so thankful to wendy. Jerry is now a pleasure to be around.

Brandi harris

3 years ago

From just the first couple hours of training the turn around is phenomenal! He listens!!! and she was able to get the other two dogs to listen too. No more rushing the house guests :) Highly recommend!!!

Colin Brodrick

5 years ago

We had a very positive experience with Wendy helping us understand and communicate with our dogs better. She gives you the tools you need to be the pack leader and keep your pups happy and obedient.

Stephanie Vargas

5 years ago

I cannot thank Wendy enough for helping us with my newly adopted adopted dog Penny. When I adopted her, she was aggressive towards my other dog Cosmo. The two of them got into a fight and we had to take Cosmo to the vet. My choices were to either keep Penny and sacrifice Cosmo and my 2 cats well being or return her to the shelter, neither of which were options I wanted. I found Wendy through a web search and she came to our house. She taught us about how dogs function in a pack and how to take back control. Since the first session, Penny had NEVER again been aggressive towards our other pets. I can't express how much relief I felt to know that Penny would not have to be returned to the shelter and develop even more fear than she had before. I went ahead and added Cosmo to the training plan after that as well. I recommend Wendy to people all of the time because I know first hand that dogs CAN change even when it feels hopeless!!

Sherril Clark

5 years ago

We have learned so much about ourselves and our dogs by working with Wendy at Leader of the Pack. We're now able to walk our dogs without them pulling, there is no longer chaos at the front door when the mail carrier or delivery driver rings the doorbell, our dogs have better recall, we've established who's the leader, and we're all a happier pack. In fact we're working on Canine Good Citizen for one of the three dogs. Wendy is great to work with. She's direct and let's us know how we can improve. Her style is positive reinforcement. We highly recommend Wendy and Leader of the Pack.

Lauren Rios

5 years ago

It is an amazing feeling to get your life back and be in charge of your dogs; not the other way around. We called Wendy as a last resort, thinking our only alternative was to get rid of one of our dogs. …

Jessica Sharp

5 years ago

I rescued my dog from SBC and after a while was having major behavioral problems, such as redirect aggression, sibling rivalry, and basic obedience. She had gotten into fights and I was so worried I would have to give her up. I decided to …

Kelly Vanderhoek

5 years ago

Wendy is an amazing trainer we went from almost rehoming our dog to learning what our problems were. Our dog went from being aggressive and on edge all the time to being relaxed and well behaved family dog.

Kenneth Williams

5 years ago

Wendy is an amazing trainer understanding how to teach dog owners how dog's think. This is key to personalizing training objectives with goals and timelines. She truly cares about her clients otaining good citizen certification, even …

Laura Moreno

5 years ago

Adopted a husky-malmute mix from shelter. He was sweet but hard to control and aggressive towards my 15 year old aussie-shepherd mix. Leader of the Pack answered my call promptly, set up an initial evaluation session and I hired Wendy. She …

Rhonda Di Padova

5 years ago

We have a 5 year old beagle. She is stubborn! When we got her as a pup she went completely untrained. With Wendy's help our dog is now toilet trained, walkable and barks less. Overall, our beagle is now a much better and happier dog. We could not have done any of this without Wendy's help. We recommend Wendy without any hesitation.

lynda withell

5 years ago

So grateful for Wendy's help with my two older dogs. Now they and us are much happier!! Wished I had found her years ago. Highly recommend.

Patricia Courville

5 years ago

Wendy has been great with our two rescue pups! They know their commands and Wendy is there when we have any questions on how to handle anything that comes up.

Mary Valance

5 years ago

Love Wendy!!! She’s training me to teach my dog Chester to overcome major fears and he’s already showing more confidence! He’s also great on the leash now and has all his basic commands down after only 2 lessons. So happy I found her!

Mary Cabral

5 years ago

Wendy was instrumental in helping us with our older set in her ways dog a few years ago. Her advice was sound and effective. When we decided to adopt a puppy last month, our very first thought was “We have to call Wendy and have her be with us from the start. “. Best idea ever. She made the introduction of the two dogs smooth and calm. She worked with me every bit as much as she did with our pups reassuring and coaching me every step of the way. She has responded quickly to question and addresses training issues thoroughly and with great patience.You cannot find a better trainer.

Patrick Sharp

6 years ago

The best thing we did for our new puppy was pick Wendy from Leader of the Pack Home Dog Training. As soon as Wendy walked through our door you could tell she had the full respect and attention of our dog. She not only teaches the basic commands, but the psychology and behavior behind having a dog that is well adjusted and respects you as the leader of the pack. She does all this without the use of treats, shock collars, or other gimmicks. We now have a well behaved dog that is fun to have around and who we feel comfortable taking wherever we go. We highly recommend Wendy Blanch of Leader of the Pack Home Dog Training

Debbie Nienow-Smith

6 years ago

Wendy is very patient with training both the dogs AND the owners, as we are the ones who really need the training! I highly recommend her.

Marilyn Welch

6 years ago

Our recently adopted 6-year-old dog's behavior was vastly improved after a 3-hour training session with Wendy Blanch of Leader of the Pack. Now we know the basics of being pack leaders when walking him and modifying his behavior at the …

Mary Eadsin

6 years ago

Beamer went from unruly to disciplined in one week. Wendy gives a host of tips that train the leader (me) to lead.

Nancy DeBoe

6 years ago

Our house was crazy with four dogs. All of whom would bark and attack visitors at the door with jumping, licking, barking, crowding, etc. Wendy helped with having a much calmer household and much better behaved dogs. She gave us tools we could use immediately and saw improvement the very first day.

R Chavez

6 years ago

Wendy is a great trainer and patient. She was accommodating with her schedule and locations for follow up training. I was nervous to take my big pitbull into a pet store with other animals. Wendy helped out, was patient and had us walking …

Sarah Butler

6 years ago

I loved the training I was taught. It was easy and it taught me how to take care of my dog without having hurt her with a zapper or anything that made her skin jump. It was simple and straight forward and helped a lot! My corgi was a just a pain in the butt until we started training with Leader of the Pack and now she actually listens to me and is much more easy going. Thank you leader of the pack!

Kaiman Burns

7 years ago

She was great! My dog is very well behaved now.

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Leader of the Pack Home Dog Training, California, Corona

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11 AM - 7 PM


10 AM - 7 PM


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10 AM - 5 PM


10 AM - 5 PM





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