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Kae Ellen
3 years ago
At a time when I was afraid for my dog's health, they were professional and kind. They clearly explained all of my diagnostic options with costs upfront, and the vet gave her professional opinion which were truly needed for this one-time …
Teresa Ternaprovich
3 years ago
Love this place, and the people!
Howard McLean
3 years ago
I have never seen the compassion by the Vet Doctor and support staff in my life. We had to put down our 15 year old dog tonight and it stung a bit but the staff took special care of my family in our time of sadness.
Shelby Danette
3 years ago
It makes me want to vomit even giving a one star rating but unfortunately that’s the lowest it’ll allow. I drove over an hour to bring my 1 year old dog in, she was lethargic, unable to move much, not responding much, and rejecting food and water. All symptoms were a very sudden onset. The vet was positive she had gotten into marijuana while outside in the neighbor’s yard which we did not believe due to her extreme death like symptoms. They continued telling me “she’ll be okay, she’ll pull out of it shortly” and “if it was my dog I’d take her home and save the money”. Anytime I’d mention being worried or ask about more testing they’d laugh and say “oh she’s just high she’ll be back to herself in a few hours”. Fast forward to making it back home with my dog, as soon as I sat on the couch she began grunting and flopping around. She ended up passing in my arms right then. When I called the vet infuriated and upset, they began asking if I needed her cremated. That’s the absolute last thing I needed to here. VERY disappointed and disgusted with this place. Due to their lack of knowledge and care, we lost our fur baby right before Christmas.
bradley martin
3 years ago
Really expensive but from what I could tell the check everything and took care of my dog
Susan Arnett
3 years ago
There was a wonderful vet tech there that told me they thought my dog would be okay to wait until we could see our regular vet the next morning. That did more to inspire trust in me than anything else that could have happened. I will definitely go back there when I need to. With my 3 pups, it is not a matter if "if" but "when."
Moochie'z custom Mini'z
3 years ago
Great staff, they make you feel comfortable and they're pet friendly ????
Kelli Burden
3 years ago
My dog was hit by a car and had obvious lacerations that needed stitches as well as X-rays to determine any broken bones. The guy that greeted me was new, very friendly! My initial reaction was “ok, this will be ok… she will be ok” A staff member quickly came and took her to the back while I filled out paperwork. I had blood all over my arms, shirt, and pants. I was sent from the Smokey lane hospital because it happened before they were open but after the clinics closed so they thought I would get care faster. They wanted to know my care credit balance first thing. I thought that was odd but I had planned on putting their $500 deposit down on it anyway. After I was put in a room, one of the staff members gave me, what seemed like a frantic and out of breathe update. I instructed them to go ahead and stabilize her and get X-rays so I knew what I was dealing with. After about 45 minutes, someone else came to the room to discuss the estimate for her treatment, mind you, they hadn’t done X-rays at this time, they had placed an IV and given her a sedative. Before knowing anything, their estimate was between $2800 and $3200 which they would want to keep her for 24-48 hours. I told them to get the XRays so that I could decide what I was going to do. I asked them if they could go ahead and stitch up her lacerations and they wanted to give me a quote for that. When the doctor came in with the X-rays she had a fractured pelvis that appears stable enough to wait to get her to our vet the next morning. I asked, a second time, if they would suture her, the doctor came back with the same quote to stitch her up because she would need to examine her for a herniated abdominal wall- If you bring your pet in for an emergency and you charge a $500 deposit to cover the $135 initial exam plus any charges up to $500, shouldn’t you include lacerations in that exam?! I ended up just paying for the exam and initial IV and meds $330 and left AMA/AFA (against financial advice). They brought her to me just as I gave them to her with the exception of pain meds- no bandages, no stitches, and still bloody. Our visit there was 4 hours. It seemed all they wanted was for me to spend thousands of dollars blindly. I took her home and stitched up her lacerations myself and am up with her repositioning her every hour to keep her comfortable. I’ll update with what my vet says in the morning, but I don’t recommend bringing your pet here.
Stephanie oconnor
3 years ago
Good BUT this place is outrageously high! If you don't have credit to charge this to then don't come here. Most people aren't sitting on this amount of cash so be prepared.
Brenda Smith
3 years ago
This place is all about the money. They could care less about your pet. I took my baby Gus for help they would not do anything unless I had money. I'm disabled. I had more love for my dog Gus than money.So they put my baby boy down because I could not afford them. I did not want him to suffer. But I never found out what was wrong. How do you make closure with that. My boy died over the greed of money. The bible says greed an.lust of money is the ruid of all evil.
Travis Allen
3 years ago
My experience here was terrible. My dog had an open chest wound which had become infected. I was very worried about her, but she was denied any real care at this clinic. They took her back briefly, brought her back to tell me that she had a fever and the wound was infected (which I already knew). The doctor suggested I take her to her normal vet the next day. However, when asked if there was anything they could do for her now, I was told that their "blood machine" was down that night. When I explained what happened to my normal vet the next day, they had no idea what "blood machine" they could have possibly been referring to. I suppose it's possible that they didn't think my dog's condition qualified as an emergency, but instead of taking the time to explain that and reassure me, they sent me home without administering treatment. It was a three hour round trip to this clinic in the middle of the night when I had to work the next morning. I was sent home worried sick that my dog wouldn't make it through the night. Thankfully, she is fine now but I will never use this clinic again. I'll drive to Memphis if I have to. These people do not care about you or your animals.
Stephen Creasy
3 years ago
“We are no longer taking new patients” is what I was told when I called for emergency care. Don’t list online you are emergency care when you turn away an emergency.
Rebecca Neal
3 years ago
Kind and compassionate veterinary services. Have a board certified veterinary surgeon and veterinary ophthalmologist on staff.
Karen Ratterman
3 years ago
Everyone here were so kind and considerate to us and our fur baby. You must be patient because they are giving ALL of their patients the same treatment. We’re from Texas and were in town for a visit with family when our emergency happened. Couldn’t have taken our fur baby to a better place!❤️❤️❤️❤️
jenny grady
3 years ago
Took my dog in for vomiting. He was hospitalized overnight for gastritis with a possible bowel obstruction related to him ingesting an unknown foreign body. He was discharged late the next day. The vet told me at the time of discharge that he hadn’t eaten or drank water yet, but that she chalked up to his nerves being in a strange setting. When I picked him up he was not himself at all. He was lethargic and couldn’t walk straight. I called back to ask the last time they gave him pain medication and it was shortly before I picked him up. I wasn’t told by the vet that he was experiencing pain or being treated for pain. When I dropped him off he was vomiting but still happy with no signs of pain. He was definitely too lethargic to eat or drink for the night of picking him up. When the pain medication finally wore off at around 4 am, I figured out why they started giving him pain meds to begin with. It was obvious he had developed new abdominal pain. He was whining and groaning while laying next to me. He started wretching like he was going to vomit that morning and I smelled iron on his breath. Being a nurse, I immidiately knew he had developed a GI bleed. A couple hours later passed a soft/ jelly like stool with frank red blood. I got him in with a clinic vet that morning. The clinic vet wasn’t knowledgeable unfortunately and did not have the equipment to scope him if need be. I called AVES back in desperation as his abdominal pain had gotten worse, he was eating small amounts, not drinking, and I was at a loss. Thankfully the vet tech and vet were very nice and explained that GI bleeding was common in dogs following an episode of gastritis. The vet wrote me an RX for an antibiotic to treat any underlying intestinal infection that could be causing the bleeding. The antibiotic, omeprazole, and Cerenia did the trick. Within 24 hrs of him starting the antibiotic his appetite returned and the bleeding resolved. Coincidentally, both of my dogs developed a case of kennel cough within 48 hrs of my one dog coming home from the hospital. My dogs haven’t been around any other animals so it must have come from the hospital. My older dog (the one not hospitalized) has had an exspecially rough time with it. I understand these things happen and wasn’t upset. I called AVES back and spoke to the vet tech just to make sure that my dog with the gastritis/ GI bleed didn’t need to be seen again since he had developed kennel cough. She assured me it would probably pass. Never dealt with kennel cough before, but it was more exhausting than the having a dog with stomach issues lol. Thankfully with warm honey water and OTC kennel cough syrup they’re recovering fine. Overall, this is a great facility that provides a vital service to the community. They are clean, communicative, friendly, knowledgeable. My only critique would be that there a was status change in my dog with the new onset abdominal pain/ behavior change and instead of investigating that matter further he was sent home without being observed to hold down food/water. The pain medicine concealed these symptoms and the fact that he had developed a bleed was subsequently missed. I’m not sure if I spoke to the same vet the next day or not who cared for him during day shift, but whoever I spoke to was knowledgeable enough to put my mind at ease about the bleed and prescribed the antibiotic to help. I appreciated the care she provided even after he had discharged.
George M Osborn
3 years ago
Everyone was friendly and compassionate.
Donna Sanders
3 years ago
I don't know where to start. My 7 year old indoor only kitty had a swollen front foot. I thought it was either broken or dislocated. $1,336.00 later the diagnosis was soft tissue swelling. They didn't see an obvious fracture so they sent the x-ray to a "specialist" for confirmation. We were sent home with FIVE medications. Three antibiotics. Gabapentin and an anti-inflammatory. After administration of the antibiotics at home she was foaming at the mouth it was horrible. They aspirated the area without my consent. They cut her nails without my consent which wasn't on the bill so not documented. As of now her front paw is twice as swollen as it was when we took her in. I seriously don't even know what to do now my heart is broken because my sweet kitty is suffering
Betty Rosewaren
3 years ago
My Sheba is going on 9 and had TPLO surgery on both legs. They took good care of her and let me know what to expect and watch for during her recovery. She has healed and back to bring her puppy stage again. ????
Ben Gilbert
3 years ago
They took great care of our sick pup. It is an emergency vet, so be prepared to pay a bit more, but they are open 24/7.
Anne Ward
3 years ago
We were frantic when we saw an open wound on our kitty. We rushed her straight here and the staff was nothing but helpful, professional, and knowledgeable. The staff took great care of our fur baby so we can rest easy.
Tara Golden
3 years ago
I was here for over 11 hours. They did not discuss procedures or costs and tried to charge me $338 when they said their office consultation was only $135. Tried to charge a Parvo test when i had told then that he had been vaccinated and didn't need a test. After arguing and refusing to pay for tests & procedures not approved, they lowered it to $205. But i was still here over 11 hours.
Todd Baxley
3 years ago
We took our miniature dachshund to this place on Thursday night. Our dachshund had been throwing up and couldn't keep anything down. She had chewed up a towel in the bathroom floor and was throwing up chunks of string. The vet services here didnt take a temp, look at her or anything. They came in and gave us a cost of surgery. They said they would begin surgery the next morning first thing. This was decided BEFORE ANY XRAY WAS CONDUCTED. They said it would be 3000 to 5000 dollars and needed payment before they could proceed. First, to decide a surgery before any x-rays are done seem outlandish to me. Second, 3000 to 5000 is astronomical for a surgery. We left and took her to our hometown vet the next day. Our hometown vet took x-rays and advised to put her on an IV to help flush out any obstructions and to monitor any movement in the bowel through x-rays. They did advise that if there were no movements though x-rays then an exploratory surgery would need to be performed. The cost of x-rays and surgery were a fraction of the cost that we were given at this vet hospital. Much much cheaper. However, I do understand that places of business have to charge higher costs depending on the location because the cost of doing business. However, to decide that a surgery would need to be performed without any x-rays being done first is absolutely ridiculous. Our local vet saved our dachshund. No surgery was needed and she has had two really good bowel movements and no more throwing up. An IV with lots of fluids helped. Our baby is scheduled to be picked up this afternoon. Just get a second opinion before spending your hard earned money with this vet hospital.
Alaina McWhirter
3 years ago
A few weeks ago my 9-week old puppy got attacked by a dog at my apartment complex, and AVES took the best care of him. They were the closest emergency animal hospital to me, and being that it was late at night, I am so thankful for their 24 hour service. My puppy had to have surgery to staple and stitch the bite wound back together, and AVES kept me updated the entire time. We were in and out within 4 hours, including his procedure time, and they sent me home with all medications/post operation instructions. I 100% recommend AVES, especially to anyone in need of am emergency vet. He has since completely healed, had his staples removed, and is back to being a happy and easy living puppy!
Becky Kueneman
3 years ago
They wouldn't help wanted us to give 65 Dollars just to talk to us
Bob Swan
3 years ago
People were great. A bit pricy to put down an animal though.
Brian Melton
3 years ago
Dr Fields is amazing. Has done orthopedic surgery on 2 of my dogs. Well recommended.
Bryan P. Christian
3 years ago
Took our 5 year old Boston there because he was having a seizure. They left us in a room for 3 hours and never saw us. They said he wasn’t critical because he wasn’t having a seizure and in pain at the moment. We left and had to euthanize a few days later. Vet said if they had done something sooner it may not have come to this. DO NOT take your pet here. Drive to Memphis or see your own Vet.
Cynthia Stanley
3 years ago
They have to fixed/ do surgery on what the other vet in West Little Rock has damaged. The surgery went very well and our dog survived.
Travis Mason
3 years ago
Insane wait times, we had a parvo puppy die on use last visit while waiting, watched some other people's dog that had been there for 3 hours die while they waited, this time we had another parvo puppy (we have a rescue) almost die took an hour for them to come out and test for parvo another hour till they let us know and about an hour and a half before they had someone come pick them up out of the truck, poor guy needed to be on fluids when we got there, just insane
East End Towing Admin
3 years ago
Communication goes a long way, they have none. I called to check on my dog, after 27 minutes I gave up and drove up there and it still took another 20 minutes to get a answer.
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