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Brandon Thompson
3 years ago
PAWS team is seriously life-saving! Thank you so much for everything you do..! ????
Storm Heifer
3 years ago
Paw is always amazing. The volunteer vets are kind and truly care about helping all animals.
Raechell Hurtado De Mendoza
3 years ago
Kind, considerate, wonderful, good at what they do and so sweet
Karrie Heys
3 years ago
The best help for emergency dog food!
Jake Schwyhart
3 years ago
Great services and visitor support
Sanchez Xoxo
3 years ago
Dog and cats have received services like food and supplies when I’ve needed the help along with many other health services that I could not afford to pay for , they helped me keep my pets happy and healthy
shelby Kinney
3 years ago
These guys are soo good with my dog they are amazing people
Tara Wilson
3 years ago
I seriously am so grateful for this place. Times are hard financially and they really have been such a blessing. The Staff is so loving and kind. My kitten is blessed.
Whitney Yarno
3 years ago
Some of the volunteers were friendly and some were rude I was not happy with that.
Kathijune Bruyere
3 years ago
The staff at P. A.W took such great care of my cats and I am looking forward to the care being repeated with my puppy soon
Chris Moore
3 years ago
Very nice people!! They were quick and offer a needed service.
Jackie Keppinger
3 years ago
They do a great job at what they are given! There are too many pet owners needing help as times are hard!
Stefan Duke
3 years ago
I was never at Portland animal welfare team
Frankie Aho
3 years ago
I believe any business that caters to our 4 legged friends is a good place to shop
Daisy hunt
3 years ago
They are all very professional, friendly, and give you all the info you need, helpful suggestions, and loving care to all who enter. My diabetic cat would have had to be put down but they gave me insulin for free, so she's still with me!! If you can, please give a donation of any amount to help support these much needed services for pets of those in financial crisis. Thank you PAW TEAM!!
Jesse O'Brien
3 years ago
I love these people. They have saved me and my Chihuahua more than once. Answered a bazillion questions. Met me on my level when I was panicking with PTSD worried about my dog. I feel like if God made Earth Angels a few work here.
Jessica Costanzo
3 years ago
They are the best top notch very understanding loving let's try to meet you at every level of your need for your cat or dog or animal I would really recommend anybody girl to p a w s they Rock
Erin Hanson
3 years ago
Love PAWS!! Everyone is so loving and caring,they really do a wonderful job, and are so patient with everyone.
James Manley
3 years ago
If it were not for this organization I would have to give my service dog for my PTSD. I love this place
Joyce Hardaway
3 years ago
Thus is a wonderful place for my animal
3 years ago
Thank you thank you thank you! If it wasn't for this place, my boy Jack wouldn't of been able to get seen cause most vet offices want an arm and a leg just to be seen! I am and will forever be thankful for places like this! If you can, or have the ability too, donate! ❤
rania larrance
3 years ago
Our whole experience with the PAW team was top notch!! The staff was kind, caring and completely professional from the moment we arrived right up to the moment we left. Thank You, PAW TEAM!!!!!!
Kim Munden
3 years ago
Very helpful very accommodating a blessing to us low income people
Jenny Armstrong
3 years ago
PAW team is great and is an invaluable resource for the community
Debbie Wright
3 years ago
This is a great resource for low income family's with fur baby's
adam evans
3 years ago
They are dealing with covid-19 while helping our pets. Great job, feel safe, Happy day!!! Today is his birthday. Thanks for the dog food, toys, meds???? THESE GUYS ROCK!
Misy Bunzey
3 years ago
I haven't used this service since 2012? I no longer qualify due to income. But I have recomended it to others who do.
3 years ago
Best Non-profit Vet clinic in the Portland metro area! The staff is dedicated and empathic to all the folks who roll through the doors there. I have been volunteering for almost 9 years off and on now and i will continue to do so until the end of time it self.
lisa schwartz
3 years ago
The people at the Portland animal welfare team are great. We can't say enough good things about the the services and the help we've received for our 11 year old Saint Bernard. And our dog loves them as well. She's happy to go and goes back for examination and treatment with the staff members without any hesitation which says allot. They have been a huge help to us in many different areas, and we are so grateful for them.
Erin Hanson
3 years ago
Paws was so kind and understanding. My senior kitty, KikiLarue was unable to groom herself,and unfortunately her fur started to matt. They set her up with her own area,and through the day, in phases,shaved all the uncomfortable matts from her coat. They truly care for our sweet animal companions. We were even movie stars for a day,as channel 2 news was there to do an article on the homeless and their pets,and how PAWS makes it possible for us to care for our pets. I will forever be grateful for their compassion and care.
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