Washoe County Regional Animal Services Reno, California

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Reviews: Washoe County Regional Animal Services (Reno)

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2 years ago

This was my very first experience getting a cat spayed and I'd heard some random horror stories that made me incredibly nervous about the process, especially since I couldn't afford to have it done by a private vet. My worries turned out to be completely baseless! The SPCA took such great care of both of my cats. I could tell from dropping them off to picking them up the next day, and all my phone conversations, that the staff were very caring and there for the animals. Both spay surgeries went perfectly fine and my cats are back home, healing normally. I highly recommend this service to anyone. Two thumbs vary gratefully raised.

sandra baker

2 years ago

Always helping all animals in need. Helped me with several feral cats, homing, picking up wounded or dead animals on roads and even a California Condor that crashed in my yard injuring a wing. Just a awesome team and place for Animals in Need!

Maro Wieboldt

2 years ago

Great work. God bless our four legged companions we love them..


3 years ago

Went to see my cat but wasn't able to take him home. Long story short, my cat has a chip and the owner of the cat had to be notified first before they would release him. It all makes sense when they explained it to me. They will allow me to pick him up in 3 days if the original owner doesn't respond. Thank you for going above and beyond protocol to work with me and my situation. I just hope and pray everything works out in my favor. Thank you so much!

Gianna Stolo

3 years ago

Don’t rely on them called them probably 7 times a oit neglect and barking and they do nothing , you call and are beyond rude .I guess handle urselves

Katherine Nielson

3 years ago

Nice people but I think they need to make it easier for folks to see and adopt animals. Especially those folk who don't have computer availability or skills.

Emily MacMillan

3 years ago

I have requested help from Washoe County's animal services twice in the past year. Both times were to respond to an animal situation that I found myself in--one involving a bat that flew into my house, and the other to rescue a cat that was lodged into my car engine. Both times they were extremely helpful and responded promptly. I greatly appreciated their quick and friendly help, and know that I can rely on this team if I need help taking care of animals in our community in the future.

Peter Cross

3 years ago

They were willing to wait for a dog's owner to return for over an hour. As far as I know, she is still waiting.

Paul Mitsuda

3 years ago

At 0730 hrs, 5.05.2021, at Meadowood Mall Apartments there is a stray putbull (brown and white) in color wearing a harness, no license noticed. I called animal control and got voice mail. It is ridiculous to know that also they are closed on sundays and holidays

Jonathan Mekelburg

3 years ago

Our dog escaped and a good samaritan dropped her off. Went to pick her up and the staff was very friendly and efficient.

Carolann Daly

3 years ago

Called today 3/28/21 to have someone come meet me to pick up maybe 5 pound dog found in leon that I wasn't able to catch (disabled and senior citizens) sat and waited 2 hours and several phone calls was told they were there and that they were on there way no one showed finally had to leave to take care of my own dogs my daughter and a friend went back after he was off work and dog is still there no new signs of tire tracks or boots in the area frustrating to have people who are supposed to take care of lost animals not even bother and lie saying they are on there way.

Debbie Anderson

3 years ago

I appreciate what the Animal Services do ! I've lost my cat and went in to look for him . Signed him up as missing . The people behind the desk aren't the friendliest and acted like I was interrupting their day . 3/2/2021 Wow we went today to have my Cat vaccinated. The woman at the door was very friendly , the woman down the hall was very friendly. Then the officer takes your animal over to RUDE people ! They act like they do not want to be there ! Never smiled once ! Grabbed my cat by the scruff, gave him his shots , ignored me ! To busy chatting with each other and could give a rats ----- that i was there worried because of the 6 dogs waiting. I HOPE I never have to deal with this place again !!! RUDE RUDE RUDE


3 years ago

I called about a cat there because I thought it was mine. The guy who picked up was impatient and rude and eventually just hung up on me with no warning while I was trying to provide directions! Incredibly rude and inconsiderate


3 years ago

It was clean and staff professional..

Desiree Valentine

3 years ago

Someone called animal control claiming I didn't feed or water my dogs. The woman that came out was amazing and helpful and did not fine me for having too many dogs but instead gave me time to handle the 2 that did not belong to me. Whereas my future calls asking questions about licensing and shots and when they were going to be out to double check, were horrendous. I was hung up on without confirmation of when they would be here, I got attitudes from the staff for absolutely no reason, and they refuse to hear what I have to say if it means they can't force money out of me.

corey oles

3 years ago

The folks at the drive through shot clinic were great. Thank you All.

Cheryl Lafferty

3 years ago

They were called to come for my cat by Dr. at Incline hospital. When I went to get him, they wouldn't let me have him bcoz my car wasn't clean. But they refuse to even let me see him! He is a registered emotional support cat! They should not be putting me thru this because I am disabled.

Alan Hawk

3 years ago

I've lived all over Erica, from South Carolina to Alaska, California to Michigan, and never have I experienced a better Humane Society than we enjoy here in Washoe County. I've even dedicated a portion of my Will to continue their humanitarian service for our furry friends and neighbors.

Rich Blackmon

3 years ago

Horrible place they should be shut down they killed my 17 month old pupy after 5 days because they failed to contact me at the correct number letting me know they had her she has been there before such a great dog never been aggressive it’s hard to believe they could put down such a beautiful dog if anyone can help me who do I contact laser animal activist pls help me

Richard Cone

3 years ago

I just dropped off my service dog to be neutered today because it was medically in his best interest and Washoe county has been such a great help not only for this, but for his vacation's his microchip,his nail trimmings and his over all care ,they are the best! They are not in to helping animals for profit they are dedicated to the care and protection of all animals! Super cool for real. They have my respect and loyalty forever!!


3 years ago

There horrible, I witnessed a dog being beat with a belt, I called them. They went and said the animal looked fine to them. There disgraceful!! They make me sick!!!

Alan Martinez

4 years ago

Their fines are very expensive which is understandable but their attitude towards people is not they are arrogant people that will make you feel bad about your dog getting out and doing what dogs do. I recommend you guys remember that your here to help the community and not give it a guilt trip. leave the attitude at home along with your egos . Also every time my dog goes in she comes out with bumps or marks i cant prove it but i have reason to believe they can be abusive towards dogs . My dog was never afraid of people but after some encounters with them shes is scared of all people she doesn’t know. Again i cant prove but i do have reasons to believe it . Train your people better !!

Amanda Eisaman

4 years ago

A lot of people seem to have issues with WCRAS and its employees but they forget they are human and the number of things they see on a daily basis would scar anyone else, so i applaud them for the work they do. That being said i have never had a bad encounter with them, stray animals always seem to find me, and ive always called and they are picked up usually within an hour, if its longer its due to the fact that they only have so many officers and vehicles. Ive always called the next day to even check up on the animal and they let me know what is going on or what the vet said etc. We adopted our dog from nhs but originally had found him and had to surrender him to WCRAS for his stray hold and they were super nice. Compared to the rest of the country we are super fortunate to have what we do in terms of animal control.

Arno Squellati

4 years ago

Question, how do I check on a stranded stray cat that I called into on Animal Controls night phone number. On their website, I wanted to email them but it looks like their webmaster wants to make people subscribe first. This agency is paid by my tax dollars. Where is the contact links to a real customer service representative? I want it made clear that I support the emrgency services that support us. But sometimes we are emotional during the moment when we want help or want answers. I did eventually find out information about the cat that I reported.

B-Rye (GOLD Subaru Ambassador)

4 years ago

THEY DON'T GIVE A TOSS ABOUT THE SAFETY OF ANIMALS!!! So to begin while walking home I found an out of state RV sitting in 25 degree weather at around 9pm off a busy road that appeared to be abandoned and inside sounded like two dogs barking and yelping in distress. I listened for human activity within the RV and heard nothing. I then took it upon myself to knock on the door seeing that they were loud and it was after all 9pm. No one answered. I then backed off and walked to a secured location while I made a call to the Reno PD for non-emergencies and they directed me to call the Washoe County Animal control dispatch which was still open. I ended up calling them and the woman who picked up the phone was unbelievably rude as hell! In short she told me that it's not an issue to have barking dogs inside an RV with no one around no matter what the temperature is and that she won't deem it necessary to send someone out to investigate and also they're about to close the dispatch office now. Wait seriously??? It's 25 degrees outside lady! How bout I leave you in an ice cold RV when it's 25 degrees! Of course I didn't say that but I was thinking it. I then asked her what should I do then if no one is coming out to check on the dogs with the temperatures expected to drop into the 20's. She said I'm not to do anything. I then requested again to have someone come out just to make sure. She replied that I mustn't be listening cause she told me that she won't be sending anyone out to check the dogs. I told her if someone is inside dead or injured and couldn't respond to my knocking or if the dogs are there to freeze to death it will be on her. Her reply was "sir I'm not going to worry about it!"

Barb K

4 years ago

Yes, Washoe County Animal Services has had its ups-and-downs in the last decade, but I think they continue to improve now that Mitch Schneider has moved along. I think my recent dealings with the folks at WCRAS has been nothing but pleasant, compared to previous times. They know me as a local, legitimate breeder and yes, sometimes my dogs are bad and get out from under our ranch fencing. But they know who they belong to and everything goes smoothly when we collect our mischievous dogs. They do have a depth of understanding about our lifestyles in rural Washoe County. However, the public also must play their role too. Definitely get your animals microchipped ASAP. That is the first line of defense in finding your missing animal. And try not to be snarky. What goes around, comes around, right? I really feel that my local Animal Services are my partners now in obtaining justice for mistreated animals, and helping me keep on eye on precarious situations my own placements might have, should things go wrong. So I feel we are partners now in doing what is right to protect the animals who have no one to speak-up on their behalf. Sometimes it's not a pretty job they have. And you never know when animal abuse will occur, as it can cut across all economic demographics and intelligence levels. So a spirit of cooperation can take all parties a lot further than hostility. And they are here to do a job. We need to practice a little patience sometimes in our instant, on-demand world. Best wishes to all animal lovers in Washoe County!

dana wolff

4 years ago

I have nothing but respect. They came to my house several times when i had a feral cat problem..the cats were coming in my cat door and harassing my cats. I love cats and hated to call but knew it was the best decision. Each tech was super polite and I could tell how much they loved animals. I tried to tip them but they refused. Thank you for you hard work.

Danelle Clarke

4 years ago

Quick and caring response to a sick baby bunny.

forbdn Knwldge

4 years ago

I have been herebsoany times for some reason or another, and they are FABULOUS! Always sweet and very helpful!! Thank u all for your kind hearted work!!

J Rob

4 years ago

These are very nice people. I work with a dog rescue and they go above and beyond to help us out. The staff members here are amazing. I can’t say enough about how kind Yvonne, Casey, and Nicole are!

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Washoe County Regional Animal Services, California, Reno

2825 Longley Ln

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